Flying in Self Confidence
We can think of how we work in the same way that we think of a bird's flight.
Work can be a frantic flapping - where we're constantly burning energy to get it all done.
Or, it can be a glided soar - where we take action in a way that flows and helps us productively push forward without so much force.
Which has it been for you? For me, I have many past examples of both. And I find the glided soar gives me a more sustainable workflow. Because I can enjoy the momentum of the work without spinning in a lot of action. When we soar without so much flap, it means we're maximizing our energy. We're doing activities from a mindset that is flowing and free, not one that requires so much force or grit that leads to burnout and exhaustion.
We can all have this. Let's take flight, let's soar, and less remove unneeded flapping so we can better enjoy the work we do.