4 Free Personal and Career Development Assessments:
4 Free Personal and Career Development Assessments:
Everyone has their vices...and one of mine is taking career and personality assessments online for fun!
So, here are some links to my fave FREE resources for career exploration. (These are NOT affiliate links in any way, I am not getting paid to share them).
1. Sixteen Personalities: Uses the Myers-Briggs Personality framework to help you understand your personality and tendencies. The results also include information on career interests to consider. https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
2. Career Explorer: This is focused on your career direction and gives you job titles to consider and information on your unique qualities from a career perspective. https://www.careerexplorer.com/
3. 123 Test: This is based on Holland Codes theory of career and vocational choices. It looks at six personality styles and uses your response to provide you a list of potential vocations. https://www.123test.com/
4. Via Strengths: This is a strengths test that can help you determine key skills to emphasize and market in your job search, as well as to help you to better understand your strengths. https://www.viacharacter.org/