Value + Visibility = Career Success


Often my clients believe they need more skills, credentials, certifications, years on the job. They keep building their craft (aka value)...without creating opportunities to market themselves to the world (aka visibility).

Because value without visibility is like creating the cure for a disease...and then waiting for someone to ask you about it.

People don't think to ask, and the cure remains a secret.

Don't make yourself into a best kept secret.

Find ways to be seen.

LinkedIn is one way to do this, but do so with the combination of Value + Visibility in mind.

Create content that demonstrates your thought leadership by providing transformative takeaways and guidance.

So why don't more people do this?

Well, people don't always notice they've created a cure. They're so close to their value, that they don't see it.

It's like when you can't find your sunglasses because they're already on your head. You already have them, so when you look outside yourself, you don't see it. You sometimes need someone else to point it out to you - "Hey, you've had them all along. They're on your head, right there."

So how are you the cure?

If you're not sure, that's okay. Sometimes it's not our job to know how. But what we can do is show up in service.

What can I do to uplift today? How can I inspire? Is there something I recently learned that I can post about to help? Is there a mistake I recently learned from that I could offer to others in similar situations?

The answers to those questions are valuable.

So don't let them sit inside, unnoticed, a cure with no patient to help. Allow yourself to share. Let yourself be heard. Do it for you (we often cure ourselves in this process), and consider that as a service in itself.

Sometimes people feel pressured by this. The weight of visibly offering value feels heavy.

So let's remove the pressure. Don't focus on curing the world. Start with curing yourself. How? By seeing your value. This isn't about tooting your own horn to prove yourself to others. It's about honoring yourself and validating your ideas by inviting yourself to express them.

When we see ourselves, we create the opening for others to see us too (visibility). And when others see us, it can help us see our value.

This is also the benefit of a coach - they point out that the sunglasses have been on your head all along. They say "hey, look you've got the cure - let's get it out there to the world. Let's start with patient zero."

They help you see you, because sometimes we're so close to ourselves, we don't notice our value. Or we feel the value is so obvious, it doesn't need to be broadcast. But even a speak easy is marketed. Someone has to spread the word for it to work.


What are you emphasizing?

Find the balance of this equation within. Use it to guide you and create a thriving career.


The Spark of Alignment at Work