Happiness at Work
From working across levels and in various industries...here's what I discovered: You can be happy or unhappy at any level, but not necessarily in any situation.
A quick aside to walk through my career path to make this point:
Motel House Cleaner...Insurance Admin Assistant...Restaurant Food Runner...Night Shift Front Desk Attendant...Academic Mentor...Resident Advisor...Research Lab Assistant...Law Firm Admin Assistant...Spa Marketing Intern...Transportation HR Assistant...Hospital L&D Coordinator...Psychology Teaching Assistant...Navy Consulting Instructional Systems Designer...Leadership Firm Analytics Consultant...Communications Firm Coach and Trainer...Prof Dev Firm Life Coach...Prof Dev Firm Entrepreneur and Alumni Director...Freelance Coach and Facilitator...Founder and Certified Coach at Beliefseed
Whether in the Hospitality industry or the Consulting world. Whether as an Intern or at the Director level.
Happiness could be found. As well as lost. In any job. At any level.
It wasn't my role that determined my state of being.
****It was how aligned I was to myself in that role.****
So let's stop looking to our job title, or even the tasks, to determine our fulfillment. And instead let's look within. And let's ask ourselves -
- Does this role hold the space for me to be me?
- Is this job an opportunity for me to get to know who I am?
- Is this company an appreciator of what I have to offer?
- Does my boss welcome my perspective?
- Have I been granting myself permission to explore my own perspective and creativity as I do my tasks?
When we align to ourselves, sometimes roles that seem like they should be terrible are a lot of fun. Truthfully one of my FAVORITE jobs was being a House Cleaner because of exactly that.
And sometimes, no matter how hard we try, the work environment isn't conducive to our growth. So we need to be repotted. Into soil that nurtures us. I've been there too. Even in a role that paid me the best I'd ever been paid up to that point, I felt stifled, merely tolerated, and disrespected. So I left.
So if you're wanting work happiness and you can't seem to get it...
Check in with yourself.
Are you aligned to you?
Because when you align back to yourself, you can discover your answer on what next career move to make.
And for help with this, join me in 1:1 coaching. This is what I do. I'm here to help my clients reconnect to their truth and use their career as a hub of creative self expression - even in the most unexpected roles.