Your Job’s Role in Personal Growth

A job is more than a way of making money.
It's an opportunity to develop YOU.
And I'm not talking about developing professional skills here...
I'm talking about something much deeper.

Because at the core of it...
Your job is your avenue for self connection and growth.
It's a place to get to know who you are and what you believe.

So let's not diminish our jobs into just the thing we do.
That's an insult to the powerful tool that our job can be for us.
Let's use our job. For our growth. For our self understanding.

To use your job this way, you don't have to be in a job you like.
You don't have to be in a job that challenges you.
You don't even have to be in a job that has growth potential.
Because whatever the job, it's your chance.

To see you. To be you. To hear you. To share you.
So don't numb out. Don't go on auto-pilot.
Don't forget you.

Instead ask yourself, who do I want to be, in this job, today?
Be that. You owe it to yourself.

This is you making your job work for you.
The job doesn't call those shots. You do.

So who do you want to be?


The Problem with the STAR Method to Interviewing:


Happiness at Work